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Funding Calls

Our overall aim is to improve patient outcomes through healthcare, provided by NHS staff who feel valued, by awarding grants, which support one of our four funding priorities.

Funding Calls

Funding Opportunities

Staff can apply for funding with opportunities across the year to make an application for grants which support our priorities.

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SHC Funding Programme 2024 – 2025

Take a look at what funding calls are open for grant applications

April 2024

Funding Call: Reducing Health Inequalities in Sheffield (open between 1 April - 28 June) £100,000 available: minimum application value £5,000

Closed for applications

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Reducing Health Inequalities in Sheffield

Health Inequalities are avoidable, unfair and systematic differences in health between different groups of people. Health inequalities can involve differences in life expectancy, access to care, quality and experience of care, lifestyle choices and wider socio-economic factors, such as income/quality of housing. In Sheffield, despite the progress made in improving the health of the population, there are several health issues and health inequality markers which are not as good as they should be, when compared to the National average.

As a result, we know that poorer parts of Sheffield live shorter lives and have worse health than those in more affluent areas, (aptly demonstrated in the well-known documentary ‘Fairness on the 83’ which showed how increasing poverty has a profound impact on health. Using the 83-bus route, the film showed that from Millhouses to Ecclesfield, life expectancy dropped by 10 years in the poorer areas, and healthy life expectancy dropped by 20 years). There is also a body of evidence which shows significant disparities affecting groups with specific shared characteristics, such as people from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and refugee background or people with learning disabilities.

SHC is uniquely placed, as the principal Charity for both STH and SHSC to identify, fund and set in motion initiatives which could significantly contribute to addressing health inequalities in Sheffield. Every great idea must start somewhere, start yours with us. For more information, email our team grants@shct.nhs.uk or complete our Expression of interest form

Funding Call: Supporting Caring & Cared for Staff (open between 1 April - 28 June) £50,0000 available: minimum application value £5,000

Closed for applications

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Supporting Caring and Cared for Staff

Staff are the backbone of the NHS in England and it is crucial that they feel valued and supported. However, there is evidence of rising long term mental health absence and increased levels of burnout across the NHS, impacting all staff groups. The annual NHS Staff Survey, together with several studies, reveals a situation which, in many respects, is getting more challenging, resulting in significant impact on staff and their patients:

  • Engaged staff are significantly less likely to make mistakes.

  • Staff experience has a direct impact on patient experience.

  • Depression and burn-out cause staff to withdraw emotionally.

  • High sickness absence is linked to high patient mortality.

The on-going effects of the pandemic, recruitment and retention problems and the cost-of-living crisis have exacerbated issues around sickness rates, stress levels and levels of satisfaction at work: It is in this challenging environment, that SHC is asking for your ideas on how charitable funds can be used to best support you and your colleagues?. For more information, please email grants@shct.nhs.uk or complete our Expression of Interest Form

Funding Call: SHC Travel Scholarship (open between 25 April- 6 June) £1,000- £5,000 available

Closed for applications

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SHC Travel Scholarship

In partnership with STH, Sheffield Hospitals Charity gives staff the opportunity to apply for funding to visit other hospitals (wherever they are located) to undertake shared learning. The aim is to bring best practice back to STH and implement new ideas, initiatives and ways of working. This is a great opportunity to positively improve the patient experience, forge better working relationships across the healthcare sector and enhance the skill sets of STH staff. For more information please email elaine.goghill@nhs.net

Funding Call: SHC/CRIO Research Funding Round (open between 1 April - 28 June) £150,000 available supporting all 4 SHC priority areas, minimum application value £25,000 - max £50,000

Closed for applications

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SHC/CRIO Research Funding Round in April 2024

This is a funding opportunity to apply for up to £50,000 for a research project that aligns with at least one of our grant making priorities. For more information , please email grants@shct.nhs.uk

June 2024

Funding Call: SHC/STH Dragon’s Den (TBC but anticipated 3 June– 27 September) £300,000 available - minimum application value £10,000

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SHC/STH Dragon’s Den in June 2024

This is a collaboration between STH and Sheffield Hospitals Charity to provide funding for innovative ideas which align with at least one of our grant making priorities. For more information please emailgrants@shct.nhs.uk

July 2024

Funding Call: Supporting Patient & People Centred Experiences (TBC but anticipated 1 July -31 October) £200,000 available - minimum application value £5,000

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Supporting Patient & People Centred Experiences in July 2024

This is an exciting opportunity to apply for funding for ideas which directly enhance the patient experience. We are particularly interested in ideas that introduce new services, initiatives, and equipment into the healthcare environment. This funding call is yet to be fully confirmed. For more in please email grants@shct.nhs.uk

Grant Investment

Our Grant Investment Panel meets bi-monthly and is open to applications from your ear-marked funds (and by invitation from our general funds). Please complete our expression of interest form to enquire.

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Little Wishes

Funding small changes with big impact

We allocate £50,000 each year allowing staff to apply for funding to enhance patient care or support the health and wellbeing of colleagues.

What you need to know:

  • We can only accept one application per area/ ward within each financial year

  • The Little Wishes Fund is not available to those areas which have sufficient earmarked funds (please contact the Charity to confirm what funds we hold for your area)

  • An application cannot be used as ‘top up funding’, it must be to fund an idea/initiative in its entirety. Annual events/initiatives may be considered

  • This funding stream cannot support research, staff roles and study leave/training The maximum award (inclusive of VAT) is £2,500 An application can be made by any STH or SHSC staff member, but it must be supported by an ND or OD (STH) or line manager (SHSC) Little Wishes can be used to pilot new ideas

  • A Grant award must be used within 6 months of approval, or it will automatically expire

  • Little Wishes is a funding pot of £50,000 to be distributed over the course a financial year.

  • Once fully allocated Little Wishes will be closed until the following financial year.

  • Applications will be considered by Sheffield Hospitals Charity at the end of each month. Applicants will be informed of an outcome within 4 weeks of a completed application being received.

Apply here

For all Little Wishes enquiries please contact our Grants Officer Zoe Roebuck
e: grants@shct.nhs.uk

Little wishes