web Supporting Patient Centred Experiences | Sheffield Hospitals Charity

Supporting patient centred experiences

We want to support projects that:

  • Seek to improve patient spaces by creating healing environments (e.g. wards, break out rooms, relatives accommodation, bathroom facilities, ambulatory care, overnight accommodation and surgical spaces).

  • Introduce new or improved equipment and services, which enhance the patient experience and recognise the importance of relative wellbeing (e.g. reduce waiting times, make a process less painful/more comfortable, improve admission/discharge times, speed up recovery/treatment and reduce return visits to hospital). We are particularly interested in applications relating to mental health, frailty and end of life care.

  • Promote positive patient experiences which support mental wellbeing, such as distraction and holistic interventions including art therapy and complimentary therapies.

Highlight Stories

Chesterman Unit Patient Day Room

Chesterman Unit Patient Day Room

The patient day room in the Chesterman Unit at the Northern General was considered by patients and staff to be ‘depressing and dated’. As a facility treating around 54 patients at a time for serious heart and lung surgery, staff were keen to make this space more comfortable and hopeful. They were keen to create areas within the room where sensitive conversations could take place with a level of privacy. Thanks to £24,117 of funding from Sheffield Hospitals Charity the day room has been completely transformed.

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“I lost my identity as Nikki the nurse and became Nikki the patient.”

“I lost my identity as Nikki the nurse and became Nikki the patient.”

Sheffield Hospitals Charity gave over £2.3 million to support Sheffield’s NHS last financial year.

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