web Apply For A Grant | Sheffield Hospitals Charity

Apply for a grant

Each year we’re proud to grant a minimum of £2.5 million to Sheffield’s Hospitals, community teams and Health and Social Care Services.

Apply for a grant

You can apply for a grant if you are:

  • a staff member employed or holding an honorary contract at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust or Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.

  • a staff member of partner universities who work in collaboration with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust or Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.

  • other charities and organisations who are part of the wider community, where there is a direct link back to one of the Trusts above.

Grants under £5,000

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Grants over £5,000

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Study leave grants

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Terms and Conditions

Standard Terms and Conditions & Expenditure Guidelines for Grant Awards over £5,000

  1. Definitions 


    Sheffield Hospitals Charity, registered charity number 1169762 and registered company number 10422654 of Wycliffe House, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AT. 

    SHC is a separate legal entity from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT and Social Health and Social Care NHS FT

    Approval Date

    The date specified on the Grant Acceptance Form


    The funding described in the Grant Accept Form

    Charitable Purpose

    The Grant Activities must further the Objects of the SHC and must be in the public benefit, any private benefit must be incidental.

    Grant Activities

    The healthcare improvement funded by the Grant and/or research and investigation

    Grant Holder

    The lead applicant or any joint applicant, as specified in the Grant Acceptance Form

    Grant Holder Organisation

    The institution or other legal entity which will manage the Grant Activities 

    Intellectual Property

    The Results and ideas, process or products arising out of the Grant Activities likely to be of potential medical, scientific commercial or other value

    Research Personnel

    Any person working on the Grant Activities under the supervision of the Grant Holder, including any co-investigator, collaborator, sponsor, supervisor, consultant, or subcontractor.


    All invention, discoveries, materials (including biological and chemical materials), technologies, products, data, algorithms, software, patents, databases, copyright, other intellectual property, and know-how arising from the Grant Activities


    Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust


    Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  2. SHC’s Mission 

    1. We help Sheffield’s hospitals, community teams and health and social care services to cover the costs that the NHS cannot by funding support for patients and staff, life changing research and more, we hance care from birth to the end of life and everything in between. Our aim is to ensure every person cared for and working in our hospitals and social care services is treated with compassion and has access to the best equipment and treatments in the best environments.  

  3. General Grant Conditions

    1. These Grant Terms and Conditions together with the Grant Acceptance Form set out the terms and conditions upon which SHC awards a Grant. In the event of any inconsistency between the Grant Terms and Conditions and the Grant Acceptance Form, the latter takes precedent.

    2. The Purpose, amount and duration of a Grant are set out in the Grant Acceptance Form.

    3. A Grant should be used solely for the purposes set out in, and in accordance with the application submitted for a Grant and in accordance with any additional conditions detailed in Grant Acceptance Form and these Terms and Conditions.  If any of the Grant is used other than in accordance with this clause, the Grant Holder or Grant Holder Organisation shall immediately inform SHC in writing and repay all the misspent monies. 

    4. The amount stated in the Grant Acceptance Form is a maximum figure for all costs incurred in connection with a Grant. There shall be no expectation that further funds will be provided to complete the Grant Activities in the event of any shortfall. 

    5. Before a Grant can be paid, the Grant Holder must sign and return the Grant Acceptance Form, confirming an acceptance of these Grant Terms & Conditions. A signed Grant Acceptance Form must be returned to the Charity within 1 month of the notification of the Grant. 

    6. By signing and returning the Grant Acceptance Form the Grant Holder and Grant Holder Organisation signify that they agree with these Terms and Conditions and information detailed within the Grant Acceptance Form. 

    7. The responsibility for compliance with the day-today delivery of the Grant Activities for which a Grant is awarded, reporting and evaluation; acknowledgement and publicity resides with the named Grant Holder. 

    8. Any proposed changes to the Grant Holder, for whatever reason, must be communicated to SHC immediately.  SHC reserves the right to review or withdraw a Grant if a suitable replacement Grant Holder has not been identified.

  4. Grants Funding Equipment, including IT equipment and Software

    1. All equipment donated to the Grant Holder Organization or acquired using charitable funds remains the property of the Grant Holder Organisation and must not be removed. Purchases or leasing of equipment must be made through the Grant Holder Organisations Procurement Department, in compliance with their procedures and then recharged to SHC to ensure that the equipment is listed on the Grant Holder Organisations asset register and that value for money is obtained. 

    2. Prior to approving an application SHC will ensure that all purchases of medical equipment are referred to the Medical Devices Management Group (or its equivalent) to ensure internal compliance arrangements are satisfied. 

    3. The responsibility for such equipment, including matters of security, maintenance, infection control, training and issues relating to Health and Safety will be vested in the Organisation who must ensure that the equipment is appropriately insured and maintained throughout its useful life.

    4. Any purchase of IT equipment, mobile phones or software must be made in compliance with the Grant Holder Organisations policies and procedures, involving their IT Department. Licensing and ongoing maintenance remains the responsibility of the Grant Holder Organisation and the Licenses and associated revenue budgets for maintenance must be approved by the Grant Holder Organisation in advance. 

    5. Any losses or claims relating to the equipment will be met by the Grant Holder Organisation and SHC will accept no liability in this respect.

  5. Grants Funding Capital /Building Works

    1. All capital/ building works should be arranged through the Grant Holder Organisations Estates Department (or equivalent), in compliance with their procedures and then recharged to SHC.

    2. Any losses or claims relating to the capital/building works will be met by the Grant Holder Organisation and SHC will accept no liability in this respect.

  6. Grants Funding Staff

    1. Where a Grant relates to part or all of a salary cost, SHC does not act as an employer of any individual and will not be liable as such. Where support is provided by the Grant for the employment of staff, the Grant Holder Organisation will be responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Grant Holder Organisation’s Human Resources Department should be contacted for assistance.

    2. Where the Grant is a contribution towards part or all of the cost of new staff, SHC requires confirmation from the Grant Holder or Grant Holder Organisation that the post has been filled, including the name of post holder, annual salary and start date, before any payment of the Grant is made.

    3. SHC will not consider requests for additional funds for salary purposes that are not identified in the original application. Any increments or other salary increases not identified in the original application will be the responsibility of the Grant Holder Organisation.

    4. Any additional costs that may arise after a Grant being agreed (including but not limited to any costs relating to redundancy/termination of employment) are the responsibility of the Grant Holder Organisation and will not be reimbursed by SHC. 

    5. SHC should be informed immediately if staff supported by the Grant give notice, leave or are re-deployed.

  7. Grants Funding Research

    1. SHC does not accept any liability arising from Grant Activities undertaken pursuant to a Grant awarded for the purposes of research.  The Research and its governance remain the responsibility of the Grant Holder Organisation.

    2. The Grant Holder must ensure that the research is registered with the Grant holder Organisations research office (for STH this is The Clinical Research & Innovation Office).  The Grant Holder is responsible for ensuring that any research work that is funded by charitable funds is approved by the Grant Holder Organisation and all their monitoring, governance and ethical requirements are complied with-including applicable external regulatory requirements. All charitably funded research must have ethical and regulatory approval before the research work commences. 

    3. SHC cannot fund or manage funds for commercial research.

    4. SHC has a responsibility to ensure that work of the highest quality is produced through undertaking Grant Activities. The Grant Holder Organisation must ensure that:

      1. Grant Activities are adequately supervised, monitored and evaluated;

      2. all Research Personnel receive training appropriate to their duties; 

      3. adequate resources, premises and facilities are provided to support the Grant Activities and their achievement within the timeframe set out in the Grant Acceptance Form;

      4. all equipment used for the Grant Activities is fully maintained, insured and safe; and

      5. it identifies and safely manages any risks, which could affect the health of the Grant Holder, Research Personnel and any other person who could be affected by the Grant Activities.

    5. In the event of research fraud or any other irregularity suspected during a research project, SHC should be notified immediately and kept informed of all future development. It is the responsibility of the Grant Holder Organisation to investigate. If adequate steps are not taken to investigate, the Grant will be suspended. If fraud or any other irregularity is proven then the Grant will be terminated immediately, and the entire Grant amount will be returned to SHC.

  8. Intellectual Property

    1. SHC in under an obligation to ensure that all Grant Activities and the Results are published ‘for the public good’. SHC however, recognises that the research and the Results may provide commercial exploitation opportunities, which may only become apparent during the life of a Grant.

    2. The rights to all Intellectual Property generated during the life of the Grant belong to the Grant Holder Organisation who will ensure, at its own cost, full protection of such Intellectual Property, where appropriate.

    3. The Grant Activities and Results may not be commercially exploited in any way (including assigning or licensing, formally or informally, expressly, or impliedly, in whole or in part) without the prior written agreement of SHC. Such agreement, maybe refused at SHC’s absolute discretion. SHC reserves the right to put a revenue and equity sharing agreement in place in return for its consent to commercialisation, restriction, or transfer of Intellectual Property. Decisions regarding commercial exploitation will be made on a case-by-case basis.

    4. Where multiple funding sources are present or multiple investors are involved, royalties and other income arising from the Grant should be shared in proportion to the investment made by funders, less any legal, patenting, and associated costs incurred.

  9. Payment of Grants

    1. Unless the Grant award is made in the form of a gift of an asset to the Grant Holder Organisation, Grants will normally be paid in arrears, after the goods or services have been provided.

    2. If a Grant requires payment in stages, then please specify this on the Grant Acceptance Form, before signing and returning it to SHC.

    3. Where the Grant expenditure involves the ordering of goods/services through the Grant Holder Organisations procurement team, SHC will only make payment following receipt of an invoice and, where applicable, proof of delivery. These should be forwarded to the SHC Finance Team as quickly as possible.

    4. Payment requests for a Grant covering capital items or medical research should usually be in the form of original invoices, claim forms, receipts, or memoranda. These should be sent by or authorised by the Grant Holder.  

    5. Recharge of salaries of employees funded from an SHC Grant will be charged to a designated control code. No further authorisation will be required. Recharges will continue until the accrual is exhausted, the agreed period of funding expiries or notification is received that the recharge should cease (authorised by the Grant Holder).

    6. Requests for payment must be made within six months of the commencement date specified in the Grant Acceptance Form unless an extension is approved by SHC. 

    7. A Grant will be closed within 3 months of the notified end date and any remaining balance returned to the original fund source. 

  10. Reporting and Evaluation

    1. In all cases where a Grant has been agreed, SHC will require an Evaluation within one month of the Grant concluding. For Grants with a duration exceeding 12 months, an Interim Evaluation may be required, the conditions of which will be specified within the Grant Acceptance Form. A standard proforma will be sent to the Grant Holders who shall be responsible for ensuring that all reporting obligations are met.

    2. Failure to comply with any of the above reporting requirements may result in a delay or withholding of payment under the current Grant and/or adversely affect the outcome of a future request for financial support from SHC.

  11. Acknowledgements and Publicity

    1. The support of SHC must be acknowledge in all materials and communications relating to the Grant, including but not limited to academic publications, presentations and posters arising from the Grant. The Grant Holder must liaise with SHC to agree an appropriate form of wording, relevant to the promotion activity to be undertaken. SHC’s name, logo or registered number may not be used by the Grant Holders in any other circumstances, without the express condition of SHC.

    2. Wherever possible, building and equipment should also display a plaque or sticker, with the design and content to be agreed with SHC before production. In some instances, an alternative form of recognition may be requested by SHC- agreed in advance of the Grant being awarded. 

    3.  All Grant Holders must contact SHC before promoting or publicising their Grant.  SHC and the Grant Holder Organisations have their own communication policies which the Grant Holder must ensure are adhered too.

  12. Termination and Changes

    1. SHC reserves the right to terminate a Grant at any time. In this event, due notice and the reason will be given in writing. All unspent funds will be returned to SHC immediately. If the Grant is terminated pursuant to Clause 3(c ) of these Terms & Conditions, the full grant award must be returned. 

    2. A Grant Holder is responsible for ensuring compliance with these Terms and Conditions. SHC aims to support its Grant Holders and they are encouraged to contact it for information and advice in the event of a difficulty in fulfilling the terms of the Grant. Where a Grant Holder repeatedly fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions then SHC may pause and/or withdrawn the Grant. 

    3. If the Grant Holder Organisation can no longer host the Grant, then written notice must be given to SHC together with a report on the work carried out to date and the reasons for the termination. Depending on the circumstance of the termination, SHC reserves the right to reclaim the Grant in full. 

    4. SHC reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions.

  13. Entire Agreement

    1. These Terms and Conditions, together with the Grant Acceptance Form and other documents referred to herein, represent the entire agreement and understanding between the Grant Holder and/or Grant Holder Organisation, and SHC in relation to the Grant arrangements and work carried out under the Grant and will supersede all arrangements or agreements (if any) relating thereto that may have been entered into or made between the parties.

  14. Law

    1. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties irrevocably agree that the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this agreement.